Church Network

Most churches are very experienced in taking good care of others and faithfully serving them, but can experience difficulty in best supporting those who are navigating through a complex struggle such as this. Pastors may be familiar with helping folks with their addictions, infidelity, delinquencies, and other sins such as these, but when it comes to the specifics of LGBTQ+, many pastors and lay leaders remain at large in knowing how to effectively love on and serve them. This is primarily due to the complexity of beliefs within the very same group and amongst themselves, nevermind the Jesus and grace factors in and throughout the LGBTQ+ community and the church currently. Many times, the church inadvertently distances themselves from individuals and families impacted by the LGBTQ+ identified instead of understanding how to lovingly interact, hold valuable conversations and build relationships that disciple and love well. This is where Exchange Ministries wants to provide support for individuals, families and community church leadership.

One of our many aims is to assist pastors, lay leadership and family members in learning how to effectively love, build relationships and interface with individuals impacted by same sex attraction without compromising their biblical values.

We are a parachurch support ministry that works in conjunction with one’s church family, mentor, counselor and friends that focuses on the individuals at hand, not politics or any kind of indoctrination of a specific denomination. We focus on the transformational truths of God’s Word, in a loving way, so we can provide a safe place where people can meet others who are going or have gone through something similar and be encouraged by those who have been set free and/or have been restored in their marriage and family relationships with their LGBTQ+ identified loved ones.

If you would like to learn more about Exchange, would like to dialogue about your Church needs and how we can support you, please complete and submit the below contact form. We would be humbled and honored to help you and those you serve learn how to walk along side those in need of support in a transformational relationship with Jesus within the body of Christ.

Please let us know how can we pray for you?



If you are a Church Leader, please fill this form out and we will contact you directly:

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